
"Your Peace of Mind Is Our Goal"TM ...
We set a new high standard for evaluation and treating sexually transmitted diseases in our institution.

Call Now For Same Day Executive Appointment
Concierge Coordinator,310-713-5650 Shay, Call Now For Same Day Executive Appointment
This is not a general information line, Please call above number only and only if you need to book a VIP appointment
Dr. Arani is a well known and experienced (venereologist in practice ) in HPV/STD field, many celebrities (includes famous Hollywood celebrities ) and high profile corporate business men and women are our patients. Some travel from far distances in order to be seen and evaluated by Dr. Arani who was chosen as Top American Physician in 2007 For STD concern.
If you are a celebrity or high profile corporate businessman or woman, you could book a VIP appointment with our institution as well. We have a special suite with accommodations for you. The Medical center entrance would be different from the main to ensure privacy. You will be guided directly to the VIP suite without waiting in the lobby and to maximize your confidentiality. Exam and consultation suite would be separate from the rest of the center.
Your medical file would be locked and secretly coded. Our VIP suite would be available with advance executive appointment only.
Those coming from overseas, out of state or desiring a same day exam and treatment, in a timely matter, should consider making a VIP appointment. A VIP coordinator will ensure a same day turnaround flight and same day return home. If there are any mishaps such as a delay in your flight or traffic then your VIP concierge coordinator would make sure to accommodate you upon arrival. |
HPV in Higher socioeconomical classes population:
The opportunity to meet people and having multiple sexual partner would directly and adversely increase your chance of getting STD. Unfortunately this population may have fear to discuss their concern to their doctors and it is difficult for them to go to physician for screening, evaluation or treatment for STD/HPV. This would increase the prevalence of infectious disease in this population. Following are some tips to increase your protection:
1) Get confidentially tested
2) Ask your partner to get tested, You could arrange that with your manager with our center ( obviously with your prospective partner agreement)
3) Use condom at all time included oral sex
4) carefully watch for possible std/HPV symptoms
Finally, we are one phone call away |
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