California, Dr. Arani Medical Center Recent Press Release
Los Angeles, CA November 16, 2010 Dr Arani Medical Center one of the leading STD instutution in United States will be performing Hepatitis C testing onsite starting November 20, 2010. This will enable Dr. Arani Medical Center to provide Hepatitis C test result in only 20 minutes, .
" Our patients used to wait 3-7 days in order to get their hepatitis C test result, but now we are able to run hepatitis c in house and provide test result in 20 minutes only" said Shahrzad Yazarloo head of laboratory personnel.
Hepatitis c is a disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV).This Virus will infect liver cells and causing inflammation of the liver. It is is generally considered among most severe hepatitis. Most of the patients may have no symptom of Hepatitis C till years later. About 3% of the world population ~ 170-300 million people are infected with hepatitis C. 1.6 % of U.S population which is about 4.1 million people are infected with hepatitis C. Hepatiti c kills 12,000 to 14,000 American every year. To this date it is the leading cause of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.It was originally called Non-hep A/non-hep B because there is evidence of the viral hepatitis but could not get isolated. This suspisous originated in 70s and it was confirmed by 1989. Later Non hepA/ hepB changed its name to Hepatitis C.
Dr. Arani Medical Center is located in Los Angeles south of University of Southern California. is private 29 page website which provide STD information to its viewer.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release contact Dr. Arani Medical Center. or visit, Tel 323-231-6000
California, Dr. Arani Medical Center Recent Press Release
Los Angeles, CA January 20, 2010 Dr. Arani medical center was recently chosen again by major News network, Fox news at 10 and Los Angeles Channel 13 news at 11 regarding recent rising STDs. Recent study and analysis on November has shown that 3 highly infectious disease such as syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia continue to spread in the U.S. "We are among the countries with highest incident of STDs", said Siavash Arani, M.D. director of one of the biggest STD testing and treatment institution in California. "We are highly sexual country and we do not get checked or get tested routinely for various different STDs", he added on Fox news TV expert input.
According to Dr. Arani there are growing number of online STD testing websites with no direct patient-doctor contact and supervision try to sells STD testing to public. Consumer gets false feels of security if test negative or if become positive there is no treatment involved as these companies put public health in danger for financial incentives.
The CDC's latest study on STDs found:
* 1.2 million cases of chlamydia were reported in 2008, up from 1.1 million in 2007.
* Nearly 337,000 cases of gonorrhea were reported.
* Adolescent girls 15 to 19 years had the most chlamydia and gonorrhea cases of any age group at 409,531.
* Blacks, who represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all chlamydia and syphilis cases in 2008.
* Black women 15 to 19 had the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea.
* 13,500 syphilis cases were reported in 2008, an almost 18 percent increase from 2007.
* 63 percent of syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men.
* Syphilis rates among women increased 36 percent from 2007 to 2008.
"There are many other STDs that has not been mention in this report such as HPV, Genital warts, Non gonococcal and non Chlamydia Urethritis (NGU), chancroid, etc", added Dr. Arani.
"Patient must see their doctor for routine examination and testing, there are some STDs that there is no test for ,however, the experience physician could diagnose them by a simple examination"
Dr. Arani Medical Center is located in Los Angeles south of University of Southern California. is private 29 pages website which provide STD information to its viewer.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release contact Dr. Arani Medical Center. or visit, Tel 323-231-6000
California, Dr. Arani Medical Center Recent Press Release
Los Angeles, CA April 27, 2009 Dr. Arani medical study comparing the direct urethral analysis versus Amplification nucleic acid testing for diagnosis of gonorrhea enters the last stage.
Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests for Gonorrhea is widely used for testing for gonorrhea in the U.S. The prospective study was design to evaluate if Nucleic Acid Amplification test is sensitive enough to detect gonorrhea in symptomatic patients with visually confirmed gonococcal bacteria in urethral discharge.
Gonorrhea in California are highest among 15- to 24-year olds. In 2005, NAATs were the most commonly used test for gonorrhea (76.8 percent), followed by DNA probe (14.5 percent). Culture accounted for an additional 7.8 percent of gonorrhea tests. In 2005 3.9% of Gram stain tested positive for gonorrhea while only 1% of PCR test been positive.
According to Siavash Arani, M.D. “ It has been our repetitive clinical observation that widley utilize PCR test might have been missing cases of gonorrhea in symptomatic patients “.
In next few weeks Dr. Arani Medical center will complete data gathering for submission to Center of the Disease Control as well as California department of public health and other medical and infectious disease society.
This study has not been funded or sponsored by third party and was initiated to protect public health and explore possible contributing factor of rising gonoccal infection.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release contact D.A.M.L Medical laboratory director Siavash Arani, M.D. or visit, Tel 323-231-6000
California, Dr. Arani Medical Center Recent Press Release
Los Angeles, CA August 11, 2008 has been recognized by main search engines such as Google Inc and Yahoo Inc to recieve top placement position on many keyword search regarding STDs, this would not include sponsor search links. was created and sponsored by Dr. Arani Medical center since 2005. It has detail specific and clinical information regarding various Sexually Transmitted disease topic. has received more than 50 million hit since its birth. The site receive viewer from all over the world for main source of information regarding Sexually Transmitted disease..
According to Dr. Arani, does not utilized SEO ( search engine optimization) company for its recognition. “ we are glad that is recognized for its relevance and Google and Yahoo top placement would assist many searcher get access to non routine cliché information we achieved that by hard work and possibly viewer interest .” planing to expand its website and add many STD pictures for patient and viewer health education.
Dr. Arani Medical Center is located in Los Angeles south of University of Southern California. is private 29 page website which provide STD information to its viewer.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release contact Dr. Arani Medical Center. or visit, Tel 323-231-6000
California, Dr. Arani Medical Center Recent Press Release
Los Angeles, CA June 20, 2008 Dr. Arani Medical Laboratory score 100% on its recent proficiency STD testing conducted by American Proficiency Institute , an independent agency to evaluate medical laboratories. sponsored by D.A.M.L for STD information emphasize on importance of quality and accuracy of STD testing.
American proficiency institute offers innovative proficiency testing solutions. API is one of the largest proficiency testing providers in the world with over 14,000 laboratories enrolled.
Dr Arani Medical Laboratory has been enroll to API since 2007. API sends unknown samples to enrolled medical laboratories and the laboratory would run the specific test and report the result to API before designated deadline. The agency would give score on accuracy of the test.
D.A.M.L (Dr. Arani Medical Laboratory) has scored 100% upon testing for RPR (rapid plasma reagin) the marker use for screening of syphilis, HSV II (Herpes type 2), HIV 1/2. Score of 80% consider to be passing grade ,however, D.A.M.L has been continuously scored 100% upon enrolment since early 2007.
American proficiency Institute send unknown samples few times per year in order to evaluate United States laboratory. The Laboratory is not aware that each particular sample is belong to positive or negative patients and it has to test and verify that and report that back to the agency. According to Shahrzad Yazarloo head of laboratory personnel of D.A.M.L, "Dr. Arani Medical Laboratory makes every effort that patient gets reliable and accurate STD test result as early as time possible and our continuous 100% perfect score speaks about that".
D.A.M.L located in Los Angeles south of University of Southern California. D.A.M.L is private company which was established in 2007 to evaluate and test for many sexually transmitted disease with ability to generate results in minutes in Southern California.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release contact D.A.M.L Medical laboratory director Siavash Arani, M.D. or visit, Tel 323-231-6000.
TV, Newspaper, Radio, News Anker, may contact 310 849 3305 (Mia) if you would like to set up appointment with Dr. Arani for expert input.
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