Medical Facility with technology of quick screening, STD testing
(FDA Approved), examination & treatment
of the most challenging sexually transmitted
diseases such as herpes. California STD.com is sponsered by Dr. Arani Medical Center for Type Specific Herpes Testing, In this page we have tried to project some of our clinical experience regarding herpes.
Confidential Herpes Exam,Test & Treatment Available Today
(No Needle Test) Walk in & Walk out with your Result
Your Peace of Mind is Our Goal......Watch Dr. Arani, M.D. from California STD.com expert input on Fox News @ 10
Herpes I is the most responsible type of herpes labialis. We have abilityto test you for herpes labialis or oral herpes in 10 minutes. There is no window period in our test. Herpes I blood test may need up to 6 months after infection, however with our Herpes skin smear test we can let you know if your oral or labial sore is related to herpes or not in other words if you are infected with oral/ labial herpes or not.
Herpes Labialis
Is a disease usually caused by Herpes Simplex Type 1. Public may know it as "Fever blister" or "cold sore" . It is surprising that many people are not aware of the cold sore is herpes infection.
After After primary infection, the virus travel via the sensory nerve into the respective ganglion (mass nerve cells ), where it waits latent throughout the patient's lifetime. Stimulation such as physical or psychological stress can reactivate the virus, after which it returns to the epithelial cells via the sensory nerve. Herpes cold sore as falsley belived is not from fever, special food that you eat or stress or nightmare in contrast it is from a activation of herpes virus and could be trigered by afforemention situations.
Digital Herpes
Herpes could involve finger and give you recurrent sore and irritation. You could get infected with touch cold sore or genital herpes could test you for digital herpes.
Anal Perianal Herpes
Herpes could infect anus. It is usually very painful and could be misdiagnose by hemorrhoid. We could test you for anal herpes with 10 minutes result.
Eyelid Herpes
Herpes could involve other part of the skin. It could involve eyelid , back, groin, pubic, hand, etc.
Herpes Stomtitis
It involves mouth.
Herpes I similar to herpes II is contagious. Patient gets infected by direct contact with person who is infected with herpes . Many people are infected with the hepres type 1 and some are not. We have seen many patient in our institution concerning regarding herpes type 1 as they developed sore on their lip or in their mouth. Not every sore in the mouth or lesion on the lip is representing herpes. For instances, many immunological disease could give your sore in your mouth or you could have sore because of syphilis ,so It is very important that you seek medical attention if you noticed sore (non-trauma related) in your mouth.
average incidence is about 1.6 per 1000 patients per year with prevalence of 2.5 per 1000 patients per year. Approximately 33% of all infected Herpes type 1 suffer relapses.
Herpes Type 1, STD
It is a common question that I get on daily basis that if cold sore or herpes type 1 is sexually transmitted disease or not. I will try to explain this to you so you have an understanding of this common question. STD means sexually transmitted disease in other words if you get the infection through sex then it is STD. Now, if you recieved oral sex from someone who is infected with herpes type 1 (cold sore) and you get infected in your genital and develop genital herpes (by type 1) then yes you got an infection with STD and Herpes Type 1 is Sexually transmitted disease.
In other clinical senario if you are a child and having loving and caring parents haugged you and kissing you thousands of time and unfortunately they infect you then you have not been infected through sex and that is why many people have antibody against herpes type one at young age.
Experienced Physician should explain to their patient in individual basis and what it means in interpersonal relationship and dating.
In majority of cases patient seek help if for first time noticed a lesion or sore in their mouth, lip , tongue or gum. See an experience physician in STD field is the most important element in diagnosing of herpes related cold sore . Not every sore in mouth or lip representing Herpes 1 cold sore. Please Refer to differential Diagnosis on this page to find out what other disease could mimic herpetic sore.
If blood test for Herpes Type 1 has to main issue
First, about 80% of population have antibody against herpes type 1, and being positive for type 1 will not conclude that sores is related to herpes outbreak or not.
Second, If you just got infected with herpes type 1 and you develop sore then your test will be
(copyright protected 2011)
Hepres I IgG Blood Test
Direct Smear Skin Test for Herpes
Location specific
Window period
waiting up to 6 months after infection
Immediately, after lesion or sores appear
2-7 days
10 minutes
Detect development of antibody in blood against herpes
Direct Detection of Herpes manifestation in sore or lesion
DDX (Differential Diagnosis):
It means that doctor has to keep in mind of other possibilitis when making diagnosis of cold sore because other diseases could make similar lesion.
Physician must always think broad when making a diagnosis and some of other possibilities for herpes type 1 cold sore is as follow:
herpes Zoster (shingles)
Aphtous Ulcer
Syphilis (chancre)
Lip cancer
Recurrence of herpes labialis
Spread of herpes to other skin areas
Secondary bacterial skin infections
Generalized infection -- may be life-threatening in immunosuppressed people, including those with HIV or cancer infections
Note: Herpes infection of the eye is a leading cause of blindness in the United States, causing scarring of the cornea.
Avoid direct contact with herpes sores. Minimize the risk of indirect spread by thoroughly washing items such as towels in hot (preferably boiling) water before reuse. Do not share items with an infected person, especially when they have herpes lesions. Avoid triggers (especially sun exposure) if you are prone to oral herpes.
Avoid performing oral sex when you have active herpes lesions on or near your mouth and avoid receiving oral sex from someone who has oral or genital herpes lesions. Condoms can help reduce, but do not entirely eliminate, the risk of catching herpes from oral or genital sex with an infected person.
Both oral and genital herpes viruses can sometimes be transmitted even when the person does not have active lesions.
Herpes could be typical such as blisters or atypical such as unusual rash which does not appear to be like herpes at all on exam and needs very experience clinicial to make the diagnosis.
The first episode may be mild or severe.
First symptoms usually appear within 1 or 2 weeks, and as long as 3 weeks, after contact with the virus.
Sore throat and fever that can last up to 5 days may occur before the blisters appear. There may also be swollen glands in the neck.
First episode may last 2 to 3 weeks. The lesions may be on the mouth, in the gums and throat, or on the face. It may hurt to swallow.
Later episodes are usually milder.
May be triggered by menstruation, sun exposure, fever, stress, or various other unknown causes.
Warning symptoms oftingling, burning, increased sensitivity, orsensation may occur about 2 days before lesions appear An outbreak usually involves:
Rash or skin lesion around the lips, mouth, and gums
Small blisters (vesicles) filled with clear yellowish fluid
Blisters on a raised, red, painful skin area
Blisters that form, break, and ooze
Yellow crusts that slough to reveal pink, healing skin
Several smaller blisters that merge to form a larger blister
Outbreak Triger:
2 main different type of stimulation could reactivate the virus and make it active to create cold sore:
Psychological: Psychological stress such as recievig bad news, loss of job or love one would be some examples and in some cases even when you see a bad dream!
Physical: excessive Sun light, menstration, Upper respiratory tract infection, are examples of physical stress.
Warning Against Herpes IgM testing: IgM test is non reliable test for diagnosis of herpes, recently many online STD testing sales companies try to promote Herpes IgM testing and misinform patientsGo To Detail information section
Herpes is a disease that must get evaluated by experience doctor. Just get tested through blood
as general rule does not provide conclusion for your concern. False negatives and false positives could be common,
the results have to be weighed together with the clinical presentation and patient's history; with the currently available
tests neither a negative nor a positive can ever be absolute. Your time of exposure, history, and clinical presentation will
assist us to choose the right test ( Direct smear, WB, Elisa;recent or remote antibody, rapid assay, Type specific culture)
for you.
Comparison of Different Type of Herpes Test
(copyright protected 2005-2011)
Herpes immunoassay gG2 test
Herpes IgG Elisa Test
Herpes IgM
Herpes Culture
Herpes Skin Smear Test
Result time
10 minutes
2-6 days
2-6 days
10 days
5-15 minutes
Specificity of the Test
Very high
Very high
Sensitivity of the Test
non conclusive
High ( depends on lab & quality of sample)
Window Period
Seroconversion detection as short as
2 weeks
~ 6 months
at time of sore presentation
No Window, Test could be done as soon as the lesion appears
Venopuncture, Finger prick
We have capability do test both in serum or blood
venopuncture , serum
venopuncture, serum
swab, by touching the sore
Swab, by touching the sore
False Positive Result
Very low
Higher than immunoassay
High , misinterpretation
Very low to none
Intermediate non-conclusive result (gray area)
Herpes type specific
Availability of the service by our institution
Herpes evaluation by examination ?
The most important part of herpes evaluation is experience doctor examination. We have diagnosed many patients with herpes with just physical examination and patients was treated on the same day without even testing ( great saving for non-insured patients).
Herpes Virus:
It is an enveloped virus with DNA with fragile membrane. The herpes virus with damage
envelope is not as infectious . It easily fall apart and virus could only be obtain by direct mucosa contact.
It means it is unlikely to get it with sharing dishes or going to public bathroom. Herpes virus invade human
body by direct mucosa/ skin contact. The Virus use host cell for reproduction and destroy the host cell, as
result the classic symptom of blister formation (if symptomatic) tingling and pain occur.
Herpes Oralis / Labialis Treatment
tWe will take many elements into our consideration before initiating treatment. We have helped thousands of herpes patients in past and we follow many of them with one simple goal: No more outbreak. We assure our patients that we do not treat them based on pharmaceutical company advertising promotions for FDA approved or non approved medicines. Unfortunately there are various pharmaceutical companies try to advertise their product and some are not as effective as described and some are Non-FDA approved. Due to our clinical experience first episode of herpes is the most important one for long-term treatment and suppression. We treat many herpes patients and our considerable experience will be invaluable to you. Remember not all herpes infected patients are same for treatment plan. According to Dr. Arani three main element needs to be consider in herpes positive patient as follow:
1) Short Term Goal At this level the main goal is to treat the patient and relieve patient discomfort and pain. The earlier the treatment started the faster is the recovery. At this stage clinician must treat the outbreak. Certain advance outbreak accompanied with a lot of pain, Pain control should be consider as well. The pain management of herpes my not be as easy. Conventional pain killer may have limited or little effect. Usually female patients may have more discomfort than male for 2 reasons:
Touch Sensitivity: The location of herpetic sore is very important. Obviously gum and hard pae late ar very sensitive and in close contact with food particle during chewing or drinking . The salt contact or certain food and drink such as hot tea on sore my contribute to excruciation of pain.
Direct pain ("organic pain") This pain come from the herpes sore itself. Because of herpes virus lives in nerve then the pain associated with herpes might be more sever than other similar non-herpetic sore. The conventional pain killer might more helpfull for this type of the pain.
2) Long Term Goal
The mind will forget the diagnosis of herpes if there is no further outbreak, that is human. Forgetting the pain is the most blessing element in human brain structure/evolution. Imagine if you remember all bad news, all bad memory and all devastating trauma in your life as fresh as they have happened to you. You would never be able to get out of the bed and survive and live a normal life. The forgetfulness is blessing in those situations. The grief of having herpes may resurface every time you get an outbreak. You need to forget about this disease. In order to reach this goal you need to be herpes sore free. We address all this issue in details if we diagnosed you with herpes.
Psychosocial and Relationship
In book of herpes there is nothing more important than a physician(MD) clearly understand and know all the detail aspect of the psychological aspect of herpes positive patient. Patient has to live with a virus for remaining of his/her life. Clinician must put her/his feet in patient shoes when discussing the news or treating the herpes patient. In many instances of breaking the news, patient is so much emotionally overwhelmed that I had to gave moment of silent and approach the patient from different aspect. There are more than 6.5 billion people in the world while we can not find 2 people with 100% exact similar. We are made of our DNA, memories and experience and it is impossible to find all these 3 elements common between two unique people. I have had patient who's only concern was to protect his partner while another patient who care less about anyone else and I had to spend tremendous amount of time to educate him about how important it is to protect his partner. Patient has many questions concern that all need to be answered.
We know herpes virus lives in the nerve, so the stress and the thought of the herpes may contribute to frequent outbreak. We answer all your questions in details in your visit and we make sure that you leave with clear mind.
TEL (323)-231-6000 or (818)-897-8000
Hidden Reasons to Choose Us
Arani Medical Center
Immunoassay test
" Online Testing Centers"
& etc
Elisa Test
for Herpes result
Window Period
in minutes
Immediately after lesion or sores appears
promise 1-2 days may take
up to one week
Longer, usually few months
Active sore on lip, anus , pubic and genital
We are
able to do direct sampling
No direct test available
Testing Fee
Always appraised
in advance for each test
Up to 30-40% !
cancellation fee
you can not change your mind because there is no full refund!!
you pay before getting tested
STD/ Herpes
be done as part of the consultation
by doctor, you may get your diagnosis
without even testing
exam available
and Quality of Our STD Testing
STD medical lab would perform
your test . Our tests are
extremely accurate. Our Lab
is under constant evaluation,
quality control (QC), quality
assurance (QA), and proficiency
evaluation (PT) and state
inspection. Our lab
director is MD in STD field.
medical lab
of Herpes
you become positive
Available on the same day of
have to find a doctor to get
treated then, and doctor may
need his own test order if
not in agreement with online
counselors tests
of Mind
be given to you by MD Physician
(no mater what online vender claims)
test and screening order
MD in venerology practice
by doctor only considering
your exam, history, complaint, time of exposure
and your request
by online sales counselors,
telemarketer, venders, etc
is no company physical address
information is disclosed on
the web site, mostly out of
state with toll free # and
credit card machine.
ID or Credit card name and
billing address information
would be shared online. you
may choose to pay direct as
well for the service.
may share all your billing
information and name, which
is link to patient online
or online company as a STD
testing Customer.
Crabs, Bacterial culture,
Herpes culture, Trichomonas,
Chancroid, Infectious Mono,
LGV evaluation, Bacterial
Vaginosis (BV), MRSA, and
many more...
only 4-6 routine
panel test is available
with routine non customized
procedure for everyone
Crabs, Bacterial culture,
Herpes culture, Trichomonas,
Chancroid, Infectious Mono,
LGV evaluation, Bacterial
Vaginosis (BV), MRSA, and
many more...
only 4-6 routine
panel test is available
with routine non customized
procedure for everyone
Herpes Test
needs few days and 2 weeks in average windows
Needs few months after exposure
up after screening and STD
STD Counseling
(MD) doctor unlimited
interaction, consultation,
phone calls, for up
to 14 days By physician, ask all your questions.
By physician, ask all your questions.
Doctor or Lic health professional
provider follow up Non-physician.
You get some service before payment then you are on your own after you get charged with 40% cancellation fee
Result Today
you can't wait another week for
your result
we give it to you as early as
min today
FDA Approved, Same Day Testing
our clinic has an on-site certified lab,
and many tests are done here
our lab, and the
results can be ready in few minutes.
The type of
will be chosen by the doctor in
view of your concerns, your exam,
medical history. It is totally confidential,
you may not decide to
your credit card and not to be worry
about billing or information
Since we are a clinic and continuity
of care is important for us then
use the best quality and only and
only FDA Approved tests. Price of
the test will be
always discussed
to you in advance.
symptom STD Sexually
transmitted diseases may or may not
be symptomatic.
you may be a carrier of bacterial
STD or viral infection such as
or Herpes or HIV but you may not have
any symptoms.
new partner may get infected by you
and become symptomatic
the other way around.
1. IgM will be negative in many patients who recently acquired herpes but have culture-document first episodes. ( doctor could do culture which could directly detect herpes particle)
2. IgM tests cannot accurately distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies, and thus very easily provide a false positive result for HSV-2. Most adult population in the U.S. already has antibodies to
HSV-1, the primary cause of oral herpes. A person who only has HSV-1 antibody all his/her life may get false belief of got infected with HSV-2 as IgM might become positive.
3. IgM tests may cross-react with other viruses in the same family, such as varicella zoster virus (VZV) which causes chickenpox or cytomegalovirus (CMV) which causes mono, meaning that positive results may be misleading.
4. IgM has short life so there is small window period that appears and disappear , so person could have been infected with herpes and get negative IgM .
In conclusion, we do not recommend to use Herpes IGM for any diagnosis of types specific herpes
Sex Although
condom use is a must, you may still
get STD even when using
protective condom. Bacteria and specially
viruses are so small, they could
slip through the condom ring around
the penile shaft or when the
is removed or infect area which does
not have coverage, however,
protection for vaginal, oral or
anal sex is highly
recommended. Protection
different STD varies with condom.
For example it may decrease the
NGU transmission but not much of help
for molluscum or genital wart
base of
penile and pubic area.
only way to prevent STDs is by not
having sex at all. If you do have
sex, you can
your risk by only having sex with
(1) someone who doesn't have an STD
isn't having sex with anyone else.
Be careful of using your partner and
are open Monday to Friday 9:00
AM to 5:30 PM & This Saturday
9 AM to 3:30 PM
your convenience we have extended our
phone lines (323)
231-6000, [ 714 ] 313-8011 oc
(323) 231-8200
Walk in
S San Pedro Place
Angeles, CA 90011
Free Parking in Rear)
Call for Address & Appointment in OC
TEL 714-313-8011
following patients were seen recently
in our clinic, and are just some examples
of numerous
similar praises.)
" I flew 3000 miles to see Dr.Arani,
he was only doctor that identified
my condition, more
importantly he was very sincere during
this ordeal".
J.R Florida
My visit to your office in March 2009 was everything I expected and more. Yourself and your staff were very proffessional, friendly, and answered all my questions and concerns completely which made my travel from New York
to California 100% perfect. Matt, S New York
After being declared HIV positive by one of the world’s most renowned medical institutions, I came to your lab for a second opinion. Within 30 minutes, you were able to administer and return the results of an FDA approved test that showed that the original lab had made a mistake. After a week, the original lab called to tell me that I was in fact HIV negative and that they had made a mistake. The piece of mind your facility provided was crucial in helping me get through one of the most difficult weeks of my life.
Nic, Los Angeles CA 11/18/2008
".... I had over 50 warts :-/ ..After a few treatments, I've finally gained my self confidence back. It's a pretty embarrassing thing to have, but I'll have to say that Dr. Arani made me feel very comfortable in office from day 1. The removal of the warts healed quickly and after a few months could not even tell that I had even had them. Just ask to see his before and after photos. I would not hesitate to recommend him to my friends (although this ailment is not something I'm vocal about) so instead I'm happy to let others know on here that he is a great doctor, will make you feel very comfortable and help get things back to normal for you. My advice would be to see him at the first sign of anything such as these warts. I would have saved a lot of $$ & time had I gone in after the 1st wart showed."
"Thank you for giving me all
of the test and explanations ....I
looked on the internet for other
centers. There are labs, but none
had a doctor." T. Braz California
I went for my final test for my Hiv
and STD test. It was negative. It
had been over
year since
last risk encounter. It had been a
worst year in my whole life. Fortunately,
found Dr. Arani and
he helped me through
this horrible year. So as all the
nurses in this clinic
been a great support for
me. He is not only my doctor, but
my friend and my psychiatrist.
would like to have all my thank to
Arani and nurses. 100% recommend to
who need
excellent Infectious Disease Specialist
is more than just doctor, but friend"
Los Angeles, California
".....With 4 weeks of penile
discomfort and negative Gonorrhea/
Chlamydia test finally
I was tested by Dr. Arani and he
explained my Urethritis and he treated me
and everything
got cleared in few days ...."
P.J Camarillo, California
"I got tested with commercial
medical lab and I was positive
for herpes. I was so stressed
and I did not know what to
do till I came and got examined
and tested with doctor and I
was explained that everything
was fine !. I got so
relieved....." Confidential
Patient Torrance, California
came to Dr. Arani,...he was
the only person diagnose my
Briceno Panorama
City, California
"It was
amazing that they tested
me for both HIV 1 and HIV
2 without needle with negative
result in few minutes. "
Pacoima, California
All information in this web site
is protected by copyright californiaSTD.com. using
this web site is only for information
purpose for our patients, use of this
web site for
other purposewithout
written permission is prohibited.
our web site team frequently
search world wide web in
order to protect our copy right.
CaliforniaSTD.com. Do not use any of material
from this website for any type of publication. We are private institution and not a governmental agency or getting
any governmental fund ,however, we comply fully with laws and regulation of Los Angeles health department.